Course Description

This section contains additional resources to support your learning experience on this platform and beyond. Part one provides a course overview (2-pager), a walk-through guide of the Learning Hub (webinar), and an FAQ section for troubleshooting common inquries.

Part two contains printable presentations and useful resources that you may have come across in your in-person training. Finally, we end with a discussion where you can share your passion about your YOW work with others. 

Course curriculum

  • 1

    About the Learning Hub

    • Learning Hub Summary (2-pager)

    • YOW Learning Hub Orientation (Webinar)

    • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • 2

    Anti-Black Racism Workshop Resources

    • ABR-Curriculum Outline

    • YOWs - ABR Training Workbook - 2018

    • Nene - EYOW Presentation

    • Anti Oppression, Anti Black Racism: A Brief Agency Audit Checklist for Youth Serving Agencies

    • Black Youth Engagement Approach: A Quick Check-In

    • The Dangers of a Single Story (Chimamanda Adichie)

  • 3

    Reflection Topic

    • Topic: Why is YOW work significant to you?

Youth REX

Connecting Shared Knowledge to Youth Work!

Questions? Please post your questions on the discussion boards or email us at [email protected].